Nature Inspired Jewelry, Beautifully Handcrafted

The Fremont Fair in Seattle, WA

This past weekend was the ever eclectic, wild and crazy Fremont Fair, located in the Fremont district of Seattle, WA.

There was certainly something for everyone, young and old alike. This street fair is spread out over several blocks, that are open only to foot traffic for the entire 3 days, which began Friday June 21 and ran through Sun the 23rd.

There was a super cool Solstice parade Saturday, which included a barrage of naked bicyclists, all of which were body painted! Along with the usual colorful characters and marching bands. This fair also has a huge art car display, which was a highlight for me. Here are few pictures from the weekend, I have included one of my jewelry booth. If you haven’t attended the Fremont fair, I suggest you get your tail down there next year, especially for those of you living in the Northwest!


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